Color to Black and White PowerPoint Add-In


A PowerPoint add-in that automatically replaces color clip art and text with black-and-white versions!



How much time do you spend creating black and white versions of your color products for TPT? What if you could do it in one click? My Color to Black and White PowerPoint Add-In for PC and Mac is here to help TPT sellers save time when creating B&W versions!

Not sure if it’s right for you? My PowerPoint Add-Ins all come with a 30-day 100% money-back guarantee! Give it a try, and if you don’t like it, get your money back, no questions asked.


This product is compatible with most* clip art that you have purchased from the following artists:

  • Bunny on a Cloud
  • Creating4 the Classroom Clipart
  • Creative Clips by Krista Wallden
  • Dancing Crayon Designs
  • EduClips
  • Rainbow Sprinkle Studio by Sasha Mitten
  • Sarah Pecorino Illustration
  • Speech Doodles
  • Whimsy Clips
  • And more!

The automatic features of this product are not compatible with clip art from the following artists. However, the time-saving manual selection process can still help you out! See it in action.

  • Hidesy’s Clipart
  • Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah Designs

*Learn more about clip art compatibility

How does the Color to Black and White PowerPoint Add-In work?

When you install this add-in, you’ll get a brand-new ribbon in your PowerPoint menu.

To add color images to a product, use the Quick Insert or Replace Placeholders buttons. (Click here to see them in action!) When you use these buttons, the computer takes note of the name and location of each color image – it will use this later to find their black and white counterparts!

When the color version of your product is complete, just press the Auto Change to BW button on your ribbon. Your computer will search for the black-and-white match for each color clip art in your presentation (or for all of the clip art on the slides that you selected). Then, it will create a new, black-and-white copy of your presentation, so your original color version is not altered in any way.

Once in a while, the computer may not be able to find a black-and-white match for a particular clip art.  Maybe the artist made a typo in the name, or maybe they used a different naming convention than they normally do. If this happens, the program will ask if you’d like to choose replacements manually. For each clip art, it will find and open the folder that it thinks the black and white version is most likely stored in – all you need to do is click the right image, and the computer will insert it for you! See how this works!

This is also useful when creating products with clip art by artists that are not compatible with this program. You can still use the Manually Change to BW button to save yourself time, even if the automatic process won’t work. The computer will do the work of finding and opening the correct folders – all you need to do is choose the image!

Got text to change to B&W? No problem! Just click the Text to BW button, choose if you’d like to change the text throughout the presentation or only on certain slides, and BAM! Your text will all be changed to black.

Will this work on all of my TPT products?

You can only use this on new products that you create after installing the add-in. Typically, when you insert images into PowerPoint, the computer does not retain any information about where the image is stored on your computer. This makes it impossible for the program to begin to search for its black-and-white counterpart. That’s why this program will only work for images you add with the Quick Insert or Replace Placeholders buttons.

Should I double-check the program’s work?

YES! Like any computer program, this one can make mistakes. Maybe a clip artist used a different naming system than usual, and the computer thought it found a match, but it wasn’t perfect. This is uncommon, but it’s best practice to always double-check your product before publishing!

Licensing Information

When you purchase this product, you are able to install and use it on all devices that you personally own and use, and you can use it for the creation of products for personal and commercial use. However, you cannot share this product with Virtual Assistants or others, even if they are helping you work on your products. Each user needs their own license. Note that VA’s who purchase a license are able to use this program on products for multiple clients.

Why isn’t this program compatible with all clip artists?

Different clip artists choose to name their products in different ways. For example, one artist might have a folder called “Color” with a product called “pencil.png”, and another folder called “BW” that contains “pencil.png.” The computer would be able to recognize these as the same image. Another clip artist might call one version “blue_pencil.png” and another version “bw_pencil.png”. This makes sense to the computer, too.

Some clip artists use less machine-friendly conventions, however. For example, a clip artist might call their color images “pencil1.png”, “pencil2.png,” “pencil3.png”, etc., and then call their black and white version “pencil14.png”. The computer has no way of knowing which one of these numbers means black and white. In this case, it’s easier for the computer just to tell you it doesn’t know and let you select manually than to randomly pick and risk making a mistake!

Also note that this program may not work if you have reorganized or renamed your clipart from the way it is stored by the original clip artist. If you have any questions about whether your organizational system is compatible, please email me at beccatheteacher (at) gmail (dot) com

Curious about compatibility with a clip artist who is not listed? Shoot me an email at beccatheteacher (at) gmail (dot) com

Learn how to insert images

Learn about manually selecting images

Got other questions?

Don’t hesitate to reach out at beccatheteacher (at) gmail (dot) com!

Additional information

Compatible with:

PC and Mac


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